Just a few thoughts as I sit at my house, snowed in...
Due dates are not just for high school homework or projects. There are deadlines after high school too. No matter what your job, whether it be at a fast food joint, a factory, an office, or a Fortune 500 company, you will have papers, projects, or other products that will need to be completed by a certain time. AND TURNED IN. It surprises me how many students will complete a project, and then (even after reminder after reminder) will fail to turn it in, and then will complain that they aren't getting a decent grade in the class.
Dear Students,
Do you think that if you are making tacos at Taco Bell, or hamburgers at McDonald's, that you could finish making a meal for a customer, and then just "forget" to give it to them? What if you did this repeatedly? Think you would still have a job?
What if you work at a factory... what would happen if you're on an assembly line, and you just don't pass your part on? Can the final product ever be completed? Think you would still have a job?
Let's think about if maybe you worked at an office, whether a small business or a huge company. Do you think you would be allowed to not turn in reports or paperwork, since those are more than likely a part of your job? What if you didn't turn anything in to your boss? Think you would still have a job?
No, I do not consider myself your "boss" but I do want you to be successful human beings. This being said, please do not blame your teacher for a not-so-good grade if you fail to put forth the effort to place your completed project or homework into a turn in folder. It is not an impossible task. I WANT you to be successful, not just in art class, but in life outside high school.
Thanks for listening! :)
Mrs. McMichael
Due dates are not just for high school homework or projects. There are deadlines after high school too. No matter what your job, whether it be at a fast food joint, a factory, an office, or a Fortune 500 company, you will have papers, projects, or other products that will need to be completed by a certain time. AND TURNED IN. It surprises me how many students will complete a project, and then (even after reminder after reminder) will fail to turn it in, and then will complain that they aren't getting a decent grade in the class.
Dear Students,
Do you think that if you are making tacos at Taco Bell, or hamburgers at McDonald's, that you could finish making a meal for a customer, and then just "forget" to give it to them? What if you did this repeatedly? Think you would still have a job?
What if you work at a factory... what would happen if you're on an assembly line, and you just don't pass your part on? Can the final product ever be completed? Think you would still have a job?
Let's think about if maybe you worked at an office, whether a small business or a huge company. Do you think you would be allowed to not turn in reports or paperwork, since those are more than likely a part of your job? What if you didn't turn anything in to your boss? Think you would still have a job?
No, I do not consider myself your "boss" but I do want you to be successful human beings. This being said, please do not blame your teacher for a not-so-good grade if you fail to put forth the effort to place your completed project or homework into a turn in folder. It is not an impossible task. I WANT you to be successful, not just in art class, but in life outside high school.
Thanks for listening! :)
Mrs. McMichael